Girl Affirm YourSelf

Often times throughout life we find ourselves lost on the journey to our destiny. We even tend to lose our self-consciousness, not feeling worthy, secure or even purposeful when we have not accomplished our goals by a certain point in life. Would it be weird to find out that your destiny isn’t final but continuous? Trials, setbacks, and disappointments will cause us to question our very being, diminish our desires and quit on our dreams. Nameica has experienced many life-altering events that should have broken her but instead, they strengthened her after overcoming them. In this devotional book, Nameica brings revelation and insight from her personal journey of transformation to help you see yourself through God’s eyes. She believes that it is only when you understand who’s you are and who you are that you can truly operate in boldness. The messages on these pages serve as a purpose GPS directing and empowering you to own your FABULOUS through self-discovery, self-affirmation, and self-assurance. Owning your fabulous is simply building the character and confidence required to live and lead a life of true fulfillment.